Apartment 3+2

Apartment for 3/5 pax composed of: living room with sofa-bed, kitchen, bathroom with shower, 1 double bedroom and 1 single bedroom in a mezzanine.
50 sqm.
In our apartments
While maintaining the characteristics of the traditional Tuscan farmhouse intact, the apartments are equipped with every comfort.

– Air condition.
– Safety deposit boxes.
– Kitchen with fridge.
– Independent heating system.
– Satellite TV.
– Central ventilation system.
– Insect screen.
– Hair dryer.
– Common washing machine.


Booking 0,00 €

24 hours confirmation

Free stay for children under 3 years
Over 3 are considered as adults

personal information


Payment method

* required field

prices 2025

very high season

3 pax

€ 155,00 / day

4 pax

€ 170,00 / day

5 pax

€ 185,00 / day

high season

3 pax

€ 150,00 / day

4 pax

€ 165,00 / day

5 pax

€ 180,00 / day

mid season

3 pax

€ 139,00 / day

4 pax

€ 154,00 / day

5 pax

€ 169,00 / day

low season

3 pax

€ 115,00 / day

4 pax

€ 130,00 / day

5 pax

€ 145,00 / day

Very High Season: 28 June – 30 September
High Season:
 17 April – 27 June
Mid Season: 02 January – 08 January / 29 March- 16 April / 01 October – 02 November / 05 December – 09 December / 20 December – 01 January 2026
Low Season: 09 January – 28 March/ 03 November – 04 December / 10 December – 19 December

For the period of July and August we require a minimum stay of 7 nights, with check-in/check-out on Saturday or Sunday

terms and conditions

Payment. To confirm your booking is needed a deposit of 25% by credit card, bank transfer or Paypal. The balance will be charged in the hotel by cash or credit card (we accept: Amex, CartaSì, MasterCard). The billing of the deposit will be made in conjunction with the payment of the balance. The payment of the deposit implies acceptance of the terms and conditions.
Prices include: VAT, bed linen and towels with weekly change (for stays longer than 7 nights), water, gas, electricity and heating, wireless internet and final cleaning. Children under 3 free. On request we provide baby crib and baby chair free of charge.
Extra charges: The price does not include the local tourism tax of 2,00 euro per night per person (over 14 years old), it will be charged in hotel and it must be paid in cash. Extra bed  is charged 15 euro per night. Pets are admitted only with insurance. We do not have any pet box or any other pet facility available. An extra charge of 15 euro per pet is required.
Change set of towels: 3,00€ per person
Cancellation policy. If you cancel within 30 days before your arrival date: we will give you back the deposit without the bank expenses.
If you cancel before 29° day within 15° day before your arrival date: we will keep the deposit and we give you the opportunity to use it for another reservation in the future.
If you cancel from 14 days before to your arrival date: deposit will not be returned.
Check-in and check-out time: Check in time from 3:00 pm until 7.00 pm. Check-out time: before 10:30 am.
Minimum stay: 2 nights / 7 nights for the period of July and August with check-in/check-out on Saturday or Sunday


Information pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/03. Your data are collected in the course of pre-contractual negotiations to fulfill contractual, accounting, administrative and tax obligations and the processing is done in manual and computerized way. The Data Controller is the writing company La Presura; The Data Processor pursuant to art. 7 D. Lgs. 196/03 is the Legal Representative Complete information can be found at www.sicurezzaeprivacy.it
Apartment 3+2


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